The football club focuses on training courses and tournaments

The Mèze Stade (Site notre blog d’information) Club continues during the school holidays to run courses for young people. “We continue to structure ourselves and it is bearing fruit. We are starting to have a club life and the educators identify with it now. We have eight qualified educators for the course, some take their vacation time to participate.” I am happy with the organizer Florian Sansone.

In total, 53 children from categories U7 to U13, including two young girls, come to improve their skills. Half are from Mézoise, the others come from surrounding clubs. The morning is reserved for perfection sessions, mainly around ball control and passing. In the afternoon, practice before topping with the mini-tournament. « This season in three stages, there are now two months of 153 children who have no children in their ranks. I have a passion for cooking and my mothers have a lot of help. They are precious in this organization », Florian insisted.

The next steps will take place during spring break. The U10-U13 will begin on April 8 with two days at the Spanish Theme Park Port Aventura World, two days later in Mèze. During the second season, the U7-U9 will be able to register on stage in Mèze. Finally, the current status of the club is also that of the first national women’s tour, on approximately March 30 and 31, after Jean-Marie-Auge’s tour, on the 20th and 21st per year, with 120 teams present.

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Author: Jacqueline MANNESSIER