A real “brand”, explains Vincent Chaudel

A real brand explains Vincent Chaudel


Video duration: 5 min

(Site notre blog d'information): Kylian Mbappé, no longer a player: a real one "brand"explains Vincent Chaudel

(Site notre blog d’information): Kylian Mbappé, no longer the player: a real “brand”, explains Vincent Chaudel
(Site notre blog d’information): Kylian Mbappé, no longer the player: a real “brand”, explains Vincent Chaudel

Vincent Chaudel, co-founder of the Sport Business Observatory, was the guest of 19/20 info on May 11. Following the announcement of Kylian Mbappé’s departure from PSG, he explains how the player is a « brand » in his own right.

The announcement had been published for a long time: after 7 seasons at PSG, Kylian Mbappé made an advertisement for the club in a video message published on May 10. Specialist in (Site notre bureau spécialisé) economics, Vincent Chaudel was on the 19/20 info set to react to the news. According to him, beyond being an excellent player, Kylian Mbappé constitutes a real « brand » and an important marketing asset.

Beyond the athlete, an economic asset for PSG

For Vincent Chaudel, Kylian Mbappé’s move to PSG contributed to the club’s marketing and economy. He explains : « A player today is not paid only to train and play matches […] “It’s also to develop the relationship with sponsors, the relationship with the public.” The comment: “The presence of Mbappé for PSG last September corresponds to a period of passage for PSG of 800 million euros or 4.2 billion.”

Author: Jacqueline MANNESSIER