Soccer. ASPTT Caen easy winner of its first friendly match against Ifs

Soccer ASPTT Caen easy winner of its first friendly match

his return to ASPTT Caen, Since Nicolas Camillo is a hit and his club too.
A double more for Nicolas Camillo! © Archives

L’ASPTT Caen (R1) kicked off their series of friendly matches by winning 5-0 ahead of Ifs (R2) on Wednesday August 3, 2022. Nicolas Camillo, who was shooting at one goal per game last season after arriving in January, split a double. For his first match with the PTT, the ex-Virois Théo Burnouf also scored, like Kilian Fèbre and Alex Quitté.

ASPTT Caen will face tougher adversity on Saturday August 6, 2022 against Vire (N3). Ifs will play for its home game against Falaise (R2, 4:00 p.m.).

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Author: Jacqueline MANNESSIER