Apprenticeship contracts signed at the Football club

A tripartite contract between a club, an apprentice and an apprentice training center (CFA) was signed on October 14 by Cédric, Enzo, Mathias, Vincent and Yanis.

The club is the Solérien (Site notre blog d’information) Club and the CFA designs are not complete (DNS). The CFA founded by Jordi Delclos three years ago offers this kind of contrast to around a hundred apprentices in the sports branch, mainly in (Site notre bureau spécialisé), since it is Jordi’s favorite field. Apprentices follow these diploma courses to become commercial advisors in sports structures or (Site notre bureau spécialisé) club administration. It takes the club 35 hours per season, which makes it possible to concretely bring together all the aspects of an amateur club: administrative, relational and sporting. Their training also includes meeting high-level athletes and coaches who provide a competent perspective and feedback on their sport. This contrast is an opportunity to open up possibilities and discover the facets of the club.

Author: Jacqueline MANNESSIER